Christian Service


Let love be sincere; hate what is evil, hold on to what is good; love one another with mutual affection; anticipate one another in showing honor. Do not grow slack in zeal, be fervent in spirit, and serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the holy ones, exercise hospitality. Romans 12:9-13

The Holy Cross tradition places an emphasis on service, hospitality, and inclusion in honor of Saint Andre Bessette, a Brother of the Holy Cross Congregation. Our Christian Service program at Notre Dame aims to help give students the opportunity to use their gifts and talents while serving the often marginalized people of our community as well as being able to step outside of their comfort zone. It is our goal that students will be transformed into a more zealous and consciously aware community of leaders.
“With eyes of faith, consider the greatness of your mission and the wonderful amount of good which you can accomplish.” – Blessed Fr. Basil Moreau
All students are required to participate in the Christian Service Program. This service plan flows directly from “The Mission” of our school and the Integrated Student Outcomes (ISO). This graduation requirement is in place to encourage students to utilize the many gifts, talents, and skills that they have been blessed with to help those in need. The Christian Service Program has a goal of making our students aware about the needs of some of the most dismissed people in our community.

Opportunities for completing service hours are posted on Canvas, outside the Christian Service office and many are announced over the PA system and in Theology classes throughout the year.  Students may come to the Christian Service office to discuss different options at any time, and/or contact the Director of Christian Service.
Furthermore, there are monthly group service projects planned and coordinated by the Director of Christian Service in which students are encouraged to participate. Certain group projects may have a limit to the number of participants, and students will be signed up on a first come/first serve basis. These projects will be communicated to the students through the avenues mentioned above as well as through email. Questions about Christian Service may be directed to our Director of Christian Service.

Required Hours and Due Dates

*Freshmen and Sophomores must submit a minimum of 20 hours.

*Juniors and Seniors must submit a minimum of 30 hours.

It is strongly discouraged to do all of your hours at one institution.  The director will encourage and require students to diversify their service learning experience throughout their high school career.  Please see the Director of Christian Service if you have questions about that.

Due Dates
1st Semester
December 13, 2024

2nd Semester
April 25, 2025

Partnering with USC

We are proud to introduce the University of Southern California (USC) as our partner in our Junior Immersion program.  This past September Immersion was our trial run, and USC was so impressed with our students and faculty that they have invited us back to host future Immersions on their campus. 

Our September Immersion group engaged in mock climate change simulations and foreign affairs dialogue on global warming through the Department of Environmental Science and Center for Active Learning in International Studies; they participated in spiritual formation and interfaith dialogue through the USC Office of Religious and Spiritual Life/Interfaith Council, and they shared in a time of worship (Mass) and reflection at Our Savior Parish & USC Caruso Catholic Center. 

Through this partnership, USC will inform and inspire our future efforts of service, as we seek to create a more sustainable world to live in.  We are committed to our Christian ethics of faith, stewardship, service, and respect.  This is Immersion!

Students of Service

Christian Service on X2VOL

All Christian Service hours will be reported and recorded online on x2VOL. X2VOL provides students with an online and mobile way to track, report and view service hours at any time. Service records are authenticated and verified for each student.

By the end of their four years at Notre Dame, graduates will have completed a minimum of 100* hours of Christian Service (except in approved special circumstances). Students should complete their service for a non-profit organization in the Los Angeles Community, preferably.  If the site is not listed as an approved site on either x2Vol, Canvas, or our school website, the student should seek approval from the Director of Christian Service.  If a student has not completed their required service hours by the end of each semester, there will be a consequence in place such as possibly having to complete them during summer school; a larger service project, and/or a hold will be placed on their account, possibly affecting either graduation or school attendance/registration.

Service Requirements

List of 6 items.

  • Approved Places to do Christian Service

    Christian Service is more than community service; it's about living out the Christian love ethic, and so, any service must offer itself to at least one of those pursuits: love of God, love of neighbor, and love of self (St. Luke 10:27).  This is how we judge what is 'Christian Service'.  If there is a special interest the student has in an organization they would like to serve at, they must get it pre-approved by the Director of Christian Service, Mr. Presley. Students will need to email Mr. Presley before the start of their service.

    Please keep in mind that all services must conform to the teachings of the Catholic Church (this will be strictly adhered to). 
    Freshmen should do their hours at Notre Dame or former grade school/junior high school.

    Sophomores should do their hours at a parish/place of worship or within a religious-affiliated organization.

    Juniors should do their hours helping the elderly or individuals with special needs.
    Seniors should do their hours at a community non-profit or return to service passion/connection made in the last three years.

    ***This is not a hardline, but formative guidance.***
  • Service Hour Restrictions

    All service hours should be completed with or on behalf of a reputable organization (possibly businesses, but preferably non-profits) for verification, accountability, and formational purposes. 

    Activities like “walking a dog”, babysitting, (unauthorized) tutoring, "taking care of family members", excessive and unapproved donations, etc. will not be approved (unless it is a service on behalf of a non-profit organization or philanthropic organizational effort with the Director of Christian Service's approval). 

    Moreover, parents/guardians and other students can NOT verify student claims.

    • All donation claims must be school-sponsored or have the approval of the director BEFORE donations can be considered as Christian services at NDHS. 

      We do not want students donating all of their service hours.  Moreover, all donation claims are capped at 3 hours max (1 bag = 1 hour of service, using best judgment on the size of the bag).

      Lastly, all donations must have a picture of the donation AND the receipt.  This should be uploaded with the claim. 

      All service activities are subject to the approval and discretion of the Christian Service director. 
    *All sports-related services, including camps, will require a log sheet as a part of the verification process to help quantify the hours.  Verification contacts should review the log before verifying the service in x2Vol. 

    This helps the Director of Christian Service establish more accountability for these types of services.
  • Verifying Hours

    In order to have hours approved by ND, students must have their hours verified by the contact person in charge of the event or service activity (cannot be a relative).

    It is the 
    responsibility of the student to ensure that their contact person fills out the emailed verification form, electronically. Any hours submitted without the contact verification will result in denial.  

    Parents/guardians of the student, as well as other students, can NOT verify hours.
  • Descriptions and Reflections

    Every x2VOL entry requires a description and reflection. 

    Descriptions must be one sentence in length describing what organization you worked with and/or what event you volunteered at.  You should also place the dates/times you worked there, especially if your one claim will cover multiple dates.

    Reflections must be at least one paragraph (minimum of 5 sentences) reflecting on your service project.  Answer questions like: How does this service impact you and others?  Why is this service important?  How does this activity transform your understanding of service?  Would you be willing to continue this service on your time?  How does this service shape your ideas about God's will for our lives; how do you connect this to social justice; etc.?

    Any reflection not following the guidelines will result in having their hours denied
  • Christian Service Awards - Holy Cross Awards

    At ND, we strive to recognize the various achievements our students have accomplished throughout the academic year. In order to be considered for this award, which is open to all grade levels, students must complete their Christian Service hours by February 1st.
  • Awards for Seniors

    The Archdiocese of Los Angeles awards high school seniors the Archdiocesan Christian Service Award. In order for students to be considered for this award, they must have completed all of their hours by February 1st, of their senior year.
    Should students have any questions about X2Vol or places to do their Christian Service Hours, they should email Mr. Presley at or stop by his office during x-period.

List of 1 items.

  • Directions to x2VOL

    • Log-In using your username and password; you are now on the “Dashboard”
    • Now click on “Opportunities & Projects” at the top of the webpage; you are now at “My Activity Log”
    • Click on “Create New” right next to the words “Personal Activity/Project”
    Fill out the webpage
    • Activity Name: this is the name of your project/experience; ex. “Operation Gratitude”
    • Project Description: give a brief description of what you did in your volunteering experience
    • Interests: select or click on one item under this section
    • You can skip the Career Clusters
    Activity Contact
    • Name of supervisor (must be an adult and not your parent) who oversaw your service
    • Add phone number of supervisor
    • Email address (you must enter a “supervisor” email and it must be a .gov, .edu, or .org address or be the business address (i.e. Make sure the “supervisor” agrees to verify your hours electronically. Tell them that you will enter the service hours that day and that they will get an email to verify the hours.
    • an email verification will be sent to your service project supervisor to verify that you indeed did complete those hours
    Claim Hours
    • Type in the date and how many hours you served
    • A one paragraph reflection is needed for every new/different service event; if all hours are being completed at one location or with one organization, then only one total paragraph is needed.
    Apply Hours to Goal
    • You will apply these hours to your grade level year (this is the “exclusive goal”)
      • Check the “Oath Statement” box (“the hours that I am submitting are accurate and the details…etc.”)
      • Lastly, click "Submit"

x2VOL Training Video

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