Christian Service

x2VOL Directions

  • Log-In using your username and password; you are now on the “Dashboard”
  • Now click on “Opportunities & Projects” at the top of the webpage; you are now at “My Activity Log”
  • Click on “Create New” right next to the words “Personal Activity/Project”
  • Next, simply fill out the webpage
    • Activity Name: this is the name of your project/experience; ex. “Operation Gratitude”
    • Project Description: give a brief description of what you did in your volunteering experience
    • Interests: select or click on one item under this section
    • You can skip the Career Clusters
    • Activity Contact
      • Name of supervisor (must be an adult and not your parent) who oversaw your service
      • Add phone number of supervisor
      • Email address (you must enter a “supervisor” email and it must be a .gov, .edu, or .org address or be the business address (i.e. Make sure the “supervisor” agrees to verify your hours electronically. Tell them that you will enter the service hours that day and that they will get an email to verify the hours.
        • an email verification will be sent to your service project supervisor to verify that you indeed did complete those hours

  • Claim Hours
    • Type in the date and how many hours you served
    • A one paragraph reflection is needed for every new/different service event; if all hours are being completed at one location or with one organization, then only one total paragraph is needed.

  • Apply Hours to Goal
    • You will apply these hours to your grade level year (this is the “exclusive goal”)

  • Check the “Oath Statement” box (“the hours that I am submitting are accurate and the details…etc.”)

  • Lastly, click "Submit"
Log-In to x2VOL here to submit hours: x2VOL Log-In
Every x2VOL entry requires a description and reflection. 

Descriptions must be one sentence in length describing what organization you worked with and/or what event you volunteered at. 

Reflections must be at least one paragraph (minimum of 5 sentences) reflecting on your service project. 

Any reflection not following the guidelines will result in having their hours denied. 
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