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A Message from our DEI Committee

"As a prayerful community, Notre Dame High School wishes to encourage those who stand with us to pray for the families who are in mourning because of lives lost in the evil incidents in Atlanta. May we stand united with people of all ethnicities, and especially Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders right now, for vibrant and safe communities. Notre Dame High School condemns acts of violence and encourages diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our Holy Cross heart teaches us that unity of mind, heart, and conduct is the principle not only of peace, but of the very existence of the community. May we all work toward building the best society, one of peace and harmony. This work is NEVER done.

Notre Dame High School will be flying its flags at half-staff in accordance with the declaration from The White House as the nation mourns the senseless and tragic losses on Tuesday in Atlanta."

-The NDHS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
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